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Navigating Change: The Transformation in Ourselves and Around Us

Writer's picture: AlinaAlina

Change is an inevitable part of life, both within ourselves and in the world around us. Understanding and embracing this constant transformation can lead to profound growth and fulfillment.

Here, I explore how change impacts me on various levels—physical, mental, and spiritual—and how I navigate this journey with grace and acceptance.

Navigating Change: One Step at a Time

Change, while often a catalyst for growth, can also be overwhelming. Recently, I found myself engulfed by a wave of changes—both expected and unexpected—that left me feeling unmoored. Navigating these turbulent waters has been a profound learning experience. I feel like I've lived several lifetimes over the last year, experiencing every emotion available to the human experience.

Choosing not to repress any thought or feeling, I took the time and energy to digest everything. It was a lot. I don’t think there is a tangible way to describe the weight and density of the journey in a simple sentence. But I can say with confidence that it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. And it was painful! Change, growth, and healing are painful. So is trauma.

This pain feels the same and has the same symptoms, but it serves the opposite purpose. If we can sit with that pain, we eventually understand its purpose is for good; to build, not to destroy. The first step to healing is taking the leap of faith into the pain that our mind and body associate with “danger.”

Conceptually, I understood the meaning of “there is no light without darkness,” but now I can feel it. We need to heal (darkness) to be happy (light). There is no happiness without healing. Nothing real anyway. I made a choice and am continuously making it every day—I choose to seek and experience truth. That is my choice for however long I am meant to share on this earth. However difficult it will ever be, you can be assured that my choice will always remain wholesome happiness.

Letting Go

One profound realization I've had is that change also means saying goodbye to previous aspects of myself. These aspects include the coping mechanisms and ways I experienced life to survive difficult times.

These strategies, whether conscious or subconscious, were never meant to be permanent. They served their purpose, helping me navigate a world that doesn't always operate with the same ethics I hold dear.

Honoring and grieving these former components of my “self” is crucial.

I recognize their journey and understand their necessity for my protection, even if it can be difficult to let go of the shield they carried for me. Navigating change one day at a time has taught me the importance of being patient with myself and trusting in the process. I strive to maintain a balance between protecting myself and remaining open-hearted.

Recognizing My Strengths

A friend recently pointed out to me that one of my strongest qualities is my acceptance of others and their differences. I didn’t realize this impact on others. My intention is to recognize the human experience in all of us and help foster a better world for us all—with less suffering.

When navigating change, my friend asked, “What is the difference between accepting someone as they are and condoning unhealthy behavior or behavior not in sync with our well-being?”

I replied that understanding the distinction between my core values and the things I am working on is vital. While it’s important for me to be there for others, it’s equally important to recognize my limits, especially if it means preserving my well-being. The elements that are attached to my core or my soul cannot be compromised. Not without a heavy price. And I will never do it again. That price is true happiness. Other elements are parts of myself that I am working on in order to be more enlightened and healthier. They are usually behaviors and conducts derived from insecurities and past experiences. With the understanding that the journey of healing is paved with compassion, that is the realm of reasonable change within someone aspiring for betterment.

Some days are harder than others. A good piece of advice I’ve received is to show up, however messy or imperfect I might be. Life is inherently messy, and trying to present a perfect facade only adds to the pressure. By embracing our imperfections and showing up authentically, we create space for genuine connections and growth. It's in these moments of vulnerability that we often find the most profound support and understanding.

The Importance of Support and Community

Navigating change is not something I can do alone. Accepting help is not easy. It requires acknowledging our limits and trusting others with our struggles. But in doing so, we open ourselves up to a profound sense of community and belonging. This collective support lightens our burden and provides new perspectives on the challenges we face. It's a powerful reminder that we are not alone and that asking for help is a courageous act of strength, not a sign of weakness. And also… it is never too late to turn around and ask for help.

Despite my tendencies to handle everything independently, I've learned the invaluable power of support from friends and family. Allowing others to support me takes immense strength and brings a sense of peace and warmth that is vital for my journey. I experienced firsthand how community can uplift and sustain me through challenging times.

The most important aspect of navigating change is finding people with whom I can be myself. When I am comfortable with others and they feel the same with me, it creates a powerful learning environment. Appreciating our different perspectives and breaking down life’s complexities brings a magical synergy that enriches life. These connections are the foundation of my personal and spiritual growth.

This photo is meaningful to me. Captured in northern Israel in 2021, this wind turbine symbolizes more than renewable energy— to me, the wind that flows freely represents the healing and freedom found in embracing change. Just as the wind turbines harness the power of nature, I'm learning to harness the power within me to navigate life's transitions with resilience and grace

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life

In my spiritual journey, the teachings of the Jewish Kabbalistic Tree of Life have provided profound insights. It is no secret that I center my approach to life and its purpose on these principles. Each sephirah, or sphere, represents different aspects of existence and personal growth. As I navigate change, I reflect on these spheres, from Keter, symbolizing the divine connection, to Malkuth, representing groundedness in the physical world. This framework helps me understand my path and the interconnectedness of my experiences.

A central tenet of Kabbalistic teaching is the concept of "know yourself and you will know the universe." This wisdom underscores the importance of self-awareness as the foundation for understanding the broader cosmos.

The Tree of Life is not just a map of the divine but also a map of the self. Each sephirah represents not only an aspect of the divine but also an aspect of the individual’s soul and personal development.

In Judaism, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life serves as a profound path to enlightenment. It guides us through different stages of spiritual and personal evolution. Starting from Malkuth, where we are grounded in the physical world, we move upward through the sephirot, each representing deeper levels of understanding and connection. For instance, Yesod involves the foundation of our emotional and subconscious world, while Tiferet represents beauty and balance, integrating the higher and lower spheres within us.

This journey through the sephirot is essentially a journey towards self-discovery and self-improvement. By understanding and integrating the attributes of each sphere, we align our inner world with the divine structure of the universe. This alignment is crucial for navigating change, as it helps us maintain balance between our aspirations and our realities. It teaches us to harmonize our spiritual and physical selves, ensuring that our growth is holistic and sustainable.

The Tree of Life also emphasizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence. Just as the sephirot are interrelated, our experiences, challenges, and growth are interconnected. This perspective helps me see that every change, no matter how difficult, is part of a larger, divine plan. It encourages me to trust in the process and have faith that my journey is leading me towards greater understanding and fulfillment.

By embracing the teachings of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, I am reminded to slow down and appreciate each step of my journey.

I learn to be patient with myself, knowing that every moment of self-discovery brings me closer to both personal enlightenment and a deeper connection with the universe. This path not only guides me through the complexities of life but also inspires me to pursue a better world with genuine intent and unwavering hope.

However I Feel About Change Is Valid

Navigating change is a deeply personal experience, and however I feel about it is valid. We all have different experiences, learning trajectories, and opportunities. We each carry our own unique set of circumstances, fears, and challenges. What may be my weakness could be someone else’s strength, and vice versa. No journey is linear or black and white. This understanding has taught me the importance of compassion and grace—for myself and those around me.

Learning to embrace my own feelings and responses to change without judgment is key. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, uncertain, or even scared. These emotions are part of our human experience, and they don’t diminish my strength or resilience. By acknowledging and accepting my feelings, I can cultivate compassion for myself and extend that same compassion to others who may be going through their own struggles.

Recognizing that everyone is on their own journey helps me cultivate empathy and support those around me with kindness and patience. I never know what battles someone else is fighting or what challenges they are overcoming.

Note to Self: Finding Balance and Peace

Going through change is a draining experience due to the stress it puts on my body, mind, and spirit. Hence, it is crucial for me to offset that with uplifting experiences to keep my head above water, which help me reconnect with my body and clear my mind. Meditation and stretching also provide a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos, allowing me to process my thoughts and emotions. (see post on Inner Harmony: The Path to Peace Through Meditation)




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